Andrew Nemeth BSc (Hons) LLB MTeach

About this website

Established in April 2000, the following is a showcase of photography and articles created by Andrew Nemeth, Blue Mountains Australia.


Click an image below to choose a topic…

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What's New?

The site is constantly being revised and updated with new and repaired links. The following is a summary of some of the more notable changes in the last few months:

  • Added a few more items to the Favourites books & movies page
  • Added Swiss collection of travel photos
  • Finally upgraded the GPS map function to no longer use Google Maps API
  • Likewise upgraded PHP and FancyBox display code to v5 (had been using v2 from 2011)
  • Updated Ischaemic Adventures of the Heart essay
  • Updated β€œBIO” tab


Andrew Nemeth BSc (Hons) LLB MTeach



Essays & Articles

Andrew Nemeth BSc (Hons) LLB MTeach

NSW Photographer's Rights and legal issues
(15820 words, updated: )
Synopsis: A detailed analysis of statute and common law as it applies to candid (or "street") photography in NSW. Topics include Anti-Voyeurism Laws, Privacy Rights, Commercial Use, Defamation, Copyright, Beach and Child photography etc. The main emphasis is on Australian law as it applies in NSW, but there is also extensive coverage of Federal legislation, along with an overview of international trends.
Ischaemic Affairs of the Heart
(8860 words, updated: )
Synopsis: An account of my near-fatal heart attack and treatment in January 2023
(7980 words, updated: )
Synopsis: An annotated list of favourite movies, books and music.
Candid people photography: morality and aesthetics
(3460 words, updated: )
Synopsis: A (hopefully) light-hearted rebuttal of criticisms my Sydney Unposed project has attracted over the years. Topics include B&W versus Colour; Voyeurism versus Engagement; Photographing Strangers; To crop or not; Shooting from the hip; Worrying about The Light etc.


Andrew Nemeth BSc (Hons) LLB MTeach


  • In February, 4 weeks teaching Y12 Physics and Stages 4 & 5 Science at NHSPA
  • In February, 10 days travel in The Swiss Confederation
  • February—September: 51 days daily–casual teaching at PSHS
  • October—December: Term 4 teaching Y12 Physics and Stages 4 & 5 Science at NHSPA
  • In January, survive a heart attack
  • In April, obtain my my NSW (Green) Provisional Driver's License
  • April—June: 17 days daily–casual teaching at BHS
  • February—December: 72 days daily–casual teaching at PSHS
  • In April, attain my NSW (Red) Provisional Driver's License (after three failed attempts)
  • All year, learn how to sew using a 1974 "Supermatic" DB2-B755-3 industrial and 1975 Janome 509 sewing machines
  • In October, drive (twice) from Blue Mountains to Stanwell Park—Thirroul via Campbelltown and Sea Cliff Bridge
  • February—December: 86 days daily–casual teaching at PSHS
  • In January initiate probate on mother's will and dispose of her ashes in the back garden
  • In February obtain Learner driver's licence and start taking driving lessons
  • In March relinquish my full-time teaching position at PSHS and take four weeks sick-leave
  • April—December: 43 days daily–casual teaching at PSHS

January—September: Teach HSC and Preliminary Physics, plus Stages 4 & 5 Science at PSHS

  • March—May, teach remotely via online forums using Microsoft Teams and avoid Zoom as much as possible
  • In June, my The Boomer Legacy project reaches 200 000 page views
  • Take long-service leave during all of Term 4 (Sept—Dec)
  • October—December, my mother hospitalised twice after being belatedly diagnosed with end-stage stomach cancer
  • December 30th, mother dies at Katoomba Palliative Care Clinic

All year: Teach HSC and Preliminary Physics, plus Stages 4 & 5 Science at PSHS


All year: Teach HSC and Preliminary Physics, plus Stages 4 & 5 Science at PSHS

  • In January, my The Boomer Legacy project reaches 100 000 page views
  • August—December, a throat infection escalates and leads to complications with blood pressure and diabetes, takes a long time to get my health back

January—September: Teach HSC and Preliminary Physics, plus Stages 4 & 5 Science at PSHS

  • Take long-service leave during all of Term 4
  • In October, 8× days in New York City
  • In November, 7× days in Dunedin New Zealand

All year: Teach HSC Physics and Chemistry along with Preliminary Physics, plus Stage 5 Science at PSHS

  • Three HSC classes (2× Physics and 1 Chemistry) ⇒ 60× students
  • Take on role of PHS events photographer (Sport carnivals and student welfare events)

All year: Teach HSC Chemistry and Preliminary Physics, plus Stages 4 & 5 Science at PSHS

  • In January resume swimming 1500m twice a week
  • In March relinquish PSHS Mitchell house-patron position to take on Sound & Lighting role for school performances and ceremonies

All year: Teach HSC and Preliminary Chemistry, plus Stages 4 & 5 Science at PSHS


All year: Teach HSC Physics and Chemistry, plus Stage 5 Science at PSHS


All year: Teach Preliminary Physics and Chemistry, plus Stages 4 & 5 Science at PSHS


All year: Teach Stages 4 & 5 Science at PSHS


All year: 24× weeks temp-teaching Stages 4 & 5 Science plus 10× weeks Preliminary Physics at Penrith High School

  • In January revamped my 1500-line PHP script for distributing files
  • In April complete the NSW IoT Accreditation at Professional Competence process
  • In May travel through New Zealand south island: Dunedin and Invercargill
  • In September, start shooting medium-format B&W again (after a seventeen year break!)

All year: temporary Stages 4 & 5 Science Teacher at Penrith High School

  • Coordinate PHS's winning entry in the Codarra Robotics challenge
  • Coach the PHS Grade Cricket team to the grand finals
  • Shoot some new material for the Blue Mountains VR project
  • Aquaman extended: forty push-ups every morning; swim 1500m once a week; improve tennis; lose 30kg between July '08 and March '09
  • One of the four panellists at the Australian Centre for Photography's Privacy, Panic and Paranoia seminar
  • Interviewed by ABC Radio's Morning Show to discuss legal issues surrounding public photography
  • Designed and wrote a 24,000 line PHP5/ SOAP/ XHTML web-application for a travel software company in Ultimo Sydney
  • My Photo Rights article is studied by the Ellenbrook Christian College (Perth) for their HSC Applied Information Technology course, also by the James Cook University School of Creative Arts Digital Imaging course
  • The bookend to a programming career: in December the release of my free online Court Interest Calculator
  • Photograph and author interior and exterior VRs of the General Motors Holden Captiva SUV
  • The Photographer Rights article attracts increasing media attention
  • Lawson GWH shops linear panorama
  • In December, mothball my nemeng VR authoring business
  • Founded Blue Mountains VR
  • 4020 stills and VR images studied at Stanford University as part of their Winter 2005 PWR2, Writing and Rhetoric 2 class
  • Photographed and authored 23 hi-resolution QTVRs for the Warner Bros Superman Returns (2006) website(s)
  • Resumed swimming after a fifteen year break
  • Set-up dedicated nemeng.com and 4020.net servers and name-servers
  • Google Adsense now pays all online costs
  • Start Sydney Unposed candid photography project
  • Injury scare to (good) left eye
1996-00 Alongside nemeng.com projects, intermittent contract HTML, Java and PERL coding for Aquent Partners
1996 Left full-time employment to start nemeng.com sole-trader business, specialising in commissioned virtual reality photography + programming, along with contract CGI programming
1995-6 Wrote and photo-illustrated a couple of articles published in US Mactech Magazine
1994-6 Employed as a Macintosh C++ Applications Developer at Jam Software, Leichhardt Sydney
1993 Relocate to Warrimoo in the Blue Mountains, west of Sydney
1992-4 Self-taught C++ object-oriented programming • Design, code and sell Pre Judgment Interest Rate calculator Mac and PC application
1992 My own Annus Horribilis: April → Rae Street Heartbreak; July → resign my job as a first-year solicitor at Blake Dawson Waldron; By December → eight close friends depart to pursue careers interstate and overseas
1991-2 ex-Eastern Bloc tour (Moscow, Budapest, Szombathely, Bucharest, Warsaw, Krakow, Brno) plus revisit Hungarian relatives
1988-91 Graduate Law degree (LLB) from the University of New South Wales
1986-88 First (and last) novel — Hidden Variables — 250k words, unpublished
1986-7 Employed as an Organic Chemist at Surfactant Services, Leichhardt Sydney
1985 Short-listed for the film-director's course at the Australian Film, Television and Radio school (top 50 of 400 applicants, but missed the final cut of 25)
  • UNSW student productions: eleven Law, Med and AUJS revues
  • UNSW Photography Club President in '84-5
  • First experiments with sound and video recording/ editing
1982-6 Honours degree in Industrial Chemistry (BSc Hons), University of New South Wales
1980 Started taking photos and skipping HSC General Studies classes to experiment in school darkroom
1960s & 1970s
1977-89 After school (and university) employment in a large number of part-time jobs: Friday evening milk-run (best job ever! brilliant sunsets!); HSC tutoring; A/V installation technician; clothing store sales assistant; pharmacy delivery boy; even a stint at Blakehurst Nursery throwing rotten plants onto a dung heap (!)
1978-80 School, local and representative rugby union (as prop-forward)
1977 Father dies at home, two days after family returns from a South Pacific cruise
1976-81 Sydney Technical High School Bexley North
1975 Moved to St Georges Pde, Hurstville
1974 Second trip to Hungary, again by ship (the Guglielmo Marconi). This time circumnavigate the globe via the Panama Canal and S.Africa — during European summer
1970 Travel to Europe by ship (the Galileo Galilei), via South Africa and then Hungary by train from Genova. Meet relatives for the first time — during European winter
1969-75 Seven years of being bullied at Carlton South Primary School
1969 Diagnosed with 50% right-eye vision loss due to amblyopia
1964 Born in Kogarah to expatriate Hungarian parents Karoly and Klara. Only child, no other relatives in Australia


During the nemeng years (1996–2007), I worked on various projects for the following clients:

Favourite books, movies & music…

See the Thirty Favourites article elsewhere on this site.



Copyright — All rights reserved

Unless noted otherwise, everything on this site is the work of Andrew Nemeth, Blue Mountains Australia. This includes all photography, text, sound, and web programming.

Therefore everything on this site is and remains the sole copyright of © Andrew Nemeth Australia 2024. You are obviously permitted to view this material online, but no other use or reproduction is allowed without the author's prior written consent. There is no implied license to do anything with this material other than look at it.

The web might be free, but intellectual property is not.

Looking for VR panorama creation advice?…

For a concise introduction, see How to Do Panoramas by Hans Nyberg.

For more detailed tutorials and articles, see the PanoTools Wiki.

HTML5, CSS3, jQuery

HTML 5 Logo

No apologies here. From Dec 2010 until Jan 2011 I rewrote the site to clean out a decade of "cruft" and make the code as streamlined and future-proof as possible.

Consequently the site works well with modern browsers (Webkit, Mozilla or iOS), but no doubt there are issues with every version of MSIE. Frankly I don't care anymore → get a real browser.

Flash-free zone


Object-oriented PHP scripts

Okay I'll admit it, I am a recovering C++ propeller-head. Thing is, I have found OOP has just as many advantages for website development as it did for apps: code reuse; encapsulation; inheritance; not polluting the global name-space; implementation hiding. Also by using OOP I can easily move code around or completely rewrite its "private" parts, without Breaking The Entire Bloody World.

On-again, Off-again MySQL

For a while the site was database-free, then for a couple of years it used MySQL, now it is back to being 100% database-clear.

Most of the snafus came from having to ration the DB server with hundreds of other web-site developers, mostly newbies, who typically rely on free DB scripts riddled with bugs, or which generate thousands of DB queries instead of just one or two via SQL table-joins. And of course they always open persistent DB connections for each query, resulting in too many connection errors for the rest of us.

In April 2007 I finally had enough and scrapped the site's MySQL back-end. Since then it has run off XML data files, which are parsed at runtime via PHP SimpleXML classes.

In April 2013 I started using SQLite for my β€œThe Boomer Legacy” project and finally got the best of both worlds: simplified SQL database functionality without the shared-server minefield.

Why "4020"?

Initially it had something to do with seeing beyond the ordinary (ie. 40:20 vision), although pragmatically 4020 was much easier to spell over the telephone to Keyboard Challenged Suits than n-e-m-e-n-g.

Years later I discovered that 4020 was also the name of a (now defunct) US Bluegrass Band along with a popular 1960s tractor (!)


Looking for legal advice, especially WRT photography?…
Contact the people at Arts Law at <https://www.artslaw.com.au/contact/>


Contact 4020